Monday, June 20, 2011

Days 1 & 2

I haven't been able to post for a while because I haven't had a wireless signal for my phone, and I haven't been near anything with wifi access.  I'm currently in Iow

We started at Washington Park in Anacortes.

The obligatory dipping your wheel in the Pacific Shot
Old Shipwreck in Anacotes

John and Ellen down the road, riding to the mountains.

Myna on the Cascade Trail

Me on the Cascade trail

Our campsite

Amazing amounts of moss on the trees.
 The moss on the trees should have clued me in that it was going to be wet in the Cascade mountains.  We had clear, beautiful weather on day 1, so I hung my clothes out to dry.  It rained that night, and was going to rain for another two days, so we packed up and drove, doing some wet-weather hiking along the way.

Western Hemlock

This guy rode down from Alaska, totally self-supported.

This pink snow is actually an alga that grows on melting snow.

Ellen at Rainy Pass

At Rainy Pass


  1. I love the biology pictures and comments! Hope you haven't rubbed all the skin off your rump yet...TP

  2. Rain jacket is working great.

    Tim - I use Buttr ( helps a lot.
